Chiropractic Adjustments and Techniques
A chiropractic adjustment is an evidence-based and specialized technique that can help to relieve pain and restore optimal function to the spine and/or extremity joints. It is a highly-skilled and controlled procedure usually applied by hand. When a joint is adjusted, pressure is released, sometimes causing an audible "popping" sound. This release in pressure can help restore joint motion and decrease muscle tightness and pain to the affected area. Mobilizations (specific techniques that are more gentle) may also be used with the same goal to restore or enhance joint motion in areas that are restricted. Various techniques are used depending on the sensitivity and preferences of the patient.
Corrective Exercise Prescription
Corrective/Rehabilitative exercises are commonly prescribed to address postural/movement deficiencies seen in patients. These deficiencies can occur after an injury, prolonged habitual postures (sedentary lifestyle, long hours studying, etc…), faulty movement patterns, and general deconditioning. Adhering to specific exercises is of great importance as this aids in a faster recovery, improvement in function, reductions in pain, and future prevention or reoccurrence of the current problem.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years dating back to ancient China. Medical Acupuncture is a technique in which sterilized disposable needles are inserted into specific areas of the body and stimulated manually, or with electricity, in an effort to normalize abnormal activity from the nervous system. This results in a reduction in pain, improvement in blood flow, and improvements in muscle function/activation. Acupuncture also causes the body to release various neurochemicals such as endorphins, enkephalins, and dynomorphins, which aid in the reduction of pain, improvement in mood, and optimizes the bodies natural healing abilities.
Active Release Therapy (ART)
Active Release Therapy is very well known soft tissue technique that aids to improve tissue texture, muscle function, and decreases pain. It is believed that pain is the brain's response to a perceived threat to a tissue/joint and, as a result, the body produces pain to restrict certain movements/motions. Having tightness/tenderness in various muscles can occur due to an injury, or compensatory patterns which can develop overtime. It is believed that when a muscle is injured, the communication with the nervous system/brain is altered. By performing muscle work, we cause a local inflammatory response which mobilizes the bodies healing mechanisms to repair the tissue. The tissue's ability to communicate with the brain is also enhanced, which can lead to a decrease in the brains perceived threat to that tissue. This results in better range of motion, reduction in pain, and improvement in function.
Nutritional Counseling and Lifestyle modifications
Diet and lifestyle modification is very important in obtaining optimal health. Making positive changes to a persons diet can help speed up recovery from injuries, improve energy levels, elevate mood, promote weight loss, and prevent of chronic diseases. Research shows, that up to 80% of modern disease can be accounted for by making better lifestyle choices. Food is medicine and developing good, long-lasting habits can play a substantial role in improving health outcomes. Depending on the patient, nutritional supplementation can further improve results. Nutrition should be discussed with each patient as it is the cornerstone for good health and future longevity. A foundational nutritional assessment can be provided however, if a patient requires an in-depth nutritional analysis, a referral to one of our practitioners that specializes in nutritional interventions will be recommended.